Friday, January 3, 2014

Attitude: A Witch's Outlook

Thoughts are things. I think we've all heard that sometimes along the line, whether it's in your first occult 101 book, or some new age motivational talk. The idea is that our thoughts have real effects on the real world, that you have the ability to choose your thoughts rather than letting your unconscious mind meander into whatever chaotic realm of woolgathering you find yourself in by an accident and happenstance.

The act of choosing your thoughts and how you express your thoughts and emotions, how you relate to others and the world around you is your attitude. Attitude is everything. The attitude that you approach the world with determines the world that you experience.

This is a magical line of thinking. It will determine your success in your spiritual pursuits, your spell work, your relationships, your career. It is the most basic form of magic, using the tool of your brain.

I don't accept the premise of Karma or Three-Fold-Law, but I do believe that in a certain sense what you put out comes back to you as far as your attitude is concerned. If you put salt into your soup, it will taste salty, depending on how much you use and your personal tastes. The salt of your attitude will flavor your experience. It will determine how you treat others, and in turn how others will treat you. Much of success is depended upon luck, but a lot is determined by attitude and determination driving the work you put into it.

A way to approach a magical attitude is the idea of directing your thoughts and emotions toward a outlook about yourself and the world around you with the intention of creating a specific reality.

First, you must believe in yourself and your abilities. If you are at a low point in your self-esteem, work on that first. Use affirmations, seek counseling, pamper yourself, and learn to see the reflection of the Divine within yourself.

Develop your magical persona and become that person, inside and out. If you only put on the outer appearances of "witchiness" and occultism, others are quickly going to see through that facade, especially those who are the real deal. While there is an idea of "fake it 'til you make it", if you are not doing the inner work, it's completely hollow. There is no path to power from pretense. In some ways, "faking it" can force you to make inner changes. But change is challenging, even frightening. Face those fears head on, with an attitude of fierce determination.

Many magical practitioners who are good at what they do have a carefully balanced attitude of arrogance and humility, and they allow the pendulum between the two to swing appropriately according to circumstance. If you're good at something, don't be afraid to pat yourself on the back. If you don't know something, don't be so afraid of appearing stupid that you don't ask questions.

Even while you create this magical persona, never fool yourself into believing you are something you are not. Be honest with yourself about your shortcomings; how else will you be able to deal with them and change them?

The most important aspect of attitude is gratitude. Acknowledge your blessings whenever you can, especially when those blessings around you are people. Your friends, family, and peers who help you, support you, encourage you, and guide you are your greatest allies. Also, the higher powers (gods, spirits, etc.) who govern you deserve a great deal of acknowledgement. Be generous in your offerings of gratitude.

When you are grateful, you are telling the powers that be "I want to see more of this" and by pinpointing to the Universe what is good to you, your magic fires like an arrow towards a bullseye target. 

Pagan Blog Project

Encouraged by my totally awesome boyfriend, I am engaging onto the adventure of writing on a regular basis by participating in the Pagan Blog Project. He's suppose to ride my ass (one second while I let that double entendre sink in) about staying on the ball, so I shall be writing every week. So there ya go!